March 19, 2020

COVID-19 has brought the hygiene practices at construction sites into laser focus.

It’s important to know that WorkSafe BC occupational health and safety regulations require workplaces to have either fixed or portable washroom facilities that include provisions for hand-washing, and that these must be kept in clean and sanitary condition.

Similar provisions apply to where workers consume food (lunchrooms).

You have the right in B.C. to refuse unsafe work if you believe these conditions are not being met and present an undue hazard.

If you are being asked to work unsafely:


  1. Email us (regardless of whether you are a member of one of our unions) at [email protected] so that we can compile information to advocate on your behalf AND
  2. Call WorkSafe BC at 604-276-3100 (Lower Mainland) or 1-888-621-7233 (toll free).

Importantly, portable toilets are not only used to eliminate waste. Tradeswomen are not asking too much by wanting a clean washroom in which to take care of health needs such as menstruation.

We are in the process of working with contractors and government to address these urgent issues.

This is about your safety.