Women In Trades
Build TogetHER BC is a campaign of the BC Building Trades that promotes, supports and mentors women in the skilled construction trades.
In B.C., women represent only four per cent of the construction trade workforce. In other skilled trades, that number is even smaller.
Studies and industry reports show that a large population of skilled trade workers are gearing up for retirement. An estimated 300,000 Canadian workers will need to be recruited from outside the construction industry over the next decade to compensate for this gap.
This is an enormous opportunity for women seeking secure, well-paid and fulfilling employment.
Build TogetHER aims to increase the recruitment, retention and advancement of women in trades through education, support and mentorship. An initiative of Canada’s Building Trades Union, Build TogetHER is also a partner in the BC Centre for Women in the Trades.
Build TogetHER regularly gives presentations to schools, universities and community organizations. We connect tradeswomen with other tradeswomen in the Building Trades. And we work to improve the working conditions for women in the trades through research and advocacy.
Learn more at BuildTogetHERBC.ca.