April 12, 2023

Brynn Bourke – Executive Director
THIS ISSUE of Tradetalk explores the journeys we take as tradespeople. From the early days in the trades to reflections after a lifetime, we’re delving into some of the places you can go.
We start this issue by celebrating the opening of the Heat and Frost Training Centre in Port Coquitlam where hundreds of insulation apprentices will begin their journey into the trades. The new training facility is outfitted with the latest technology and tools for apprentices to develop their skills. This impressive space creatively showcases the diversity and mastery of the insulation trades with stunning features all over the building including a one-of-a-kind fountain wall.
Next, we catch up with Phil Nuytten — a remarkable individual with a lifetime of diving experience. From the early days of his career as one of the first divers into the water after the Second Narrows Bridge collapse, to consulting on Hollywood blockbusters, Phil’s journey has taken him all over the world. We’ll hear some of his most detailed memories from the day the bridge fell.
Tradespeople not only journey to build projects, they maintain them, too. Maintenance work is an important element of the trades and one of the ways many of our members make a living. We’re putting a spotlight on the maintenance work our members do with a story on the Pacific Regional Maintenance Council (PRMC). This year, PRMC signed an historic deal with LNG Canada that is unprecedented in size and scope.
Our journey in this issue of Tradetalk also includes the road trip taken by members of United Association Local 170 to rescue drivers stranded on Annacis Island after a November snowstorm caused record closures to multiple bridges across the Lower Mainland. This story really highlights the community spirit embodied by so many in the trades.
The word “journey” in “journeyman/journeyperson” historically comes from medieval times when building trades craft workers were paid daily. It comes from the French word for day: journée. But I think tradespeople journey in many ways. Spend any time talking with a tradesperson about their career and they’ll have numerous stories about the many projects they’ve built all over this province.
The journey can also be a process. There is no linear path for tradespeople to follow to get to the end. A career in the trades is one with endless possibilities that offers a lifetime of learning opportunities.
I hope you enjoy the stories in this issue and that maybe they will inspire someone who reads them to start their own journey in the trades.
By Brynn Bourke
Executive Director