Friday, February 16, 2018
Statement from Tom Sigurdson,
Executive director
BC Building Trades
The BC Building Trades welcomes the announcement today by the NDP government that construction will start on a new Pattullo Bridge in 2019.
We are heartened by the government’s commitment to continue moving B.C. forward with this major public infrastructure project. The increased safety and efficiency afforded by the $1.377 Pattullo replacement will not only benefit the thousands of commuters who travel it every day, it will generate investment directly into local communities by providing good, family-supporting jobs during its four-year construction.
Further, it will provide opportunities for local workers and apprentices that will leave a legacy of experience, skills training and employability — benefits that will serve our communities well into the future.
In short, this long overdue project is our chance to build B.C. better, and avoid the costly overruns that plagued previous projects such as the Port Mann Bridge, which went over budget by $572 million.
Let’s build the Pattullo better.
Let’s invest in our communities.
Let’s be proud of our work.
Tom Sigurdson
Executive director
BC Building Trades
See photos from the announcement on Flickr.
Contact the BC Building Trades office
(778) 397-2220
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